Suki lives in a magical world of wonder with a strange group of friends. Chirpy has a big secret and so does Edward, Suki's toy bear. But when they discover another dimension in an old mirror and an eccentric old man from the past called Honkworth O'Dibley, their cosy life is turned upside down. Who is the mysterious boy who lives in a lighthouse? How can an old lady they call Granny Gherkin exist in the past, the present and the future?
Front Cover illustration by Geoffrey Althoff, the Illustrious Illustrator |
The author...
Hi, there! My name is MJ Moggridge - or Matthew John Moggridge - and I'm the author of Suki & the Christmas Treasure Trove, my first novel. The story evolved from telling my daughter bed-time stories that involved the characters of Suki, Chirpy and Peechu and one day I thought it would be a good idea to write a full-length adventure and Treasure Trove was born.
I wrote the story in 2009 and started it in a notebook, but then transferred to the computer. It's the story of how Suki discovers another world in a mirror and a strange and eccentric old man from the past called Honkworth O'Dibley. I don't want to say too much about the story as I don't want to ruin it for anybody considering downloading the full novel, but what I will say is that I'm planning some more adventures for Suki and her pals.
My favourite character in Treasure Trove is Honkwoth O'Dibley. One of the big conversations we're having here at home is whether he and his side-kick Briggs should appear in future Suki adventures. If you read the book, let me know your thoughts.
As for me, I'm a journalist by trade, although I use the word 'journalist' with caution. I'm not Clark Kent or Lou Grant. I've spent my life working on magazines and have travelled around the world a few times writing about all sorts of subjects, although a lot of my time has been spent writing about food: pubs, hotels, restaurants and cafés. I love my job.
In my time I've interviewed a lot of famous people, mainly chefs and film stars. I've interviewed Gordon Ramsay and Terence Stamp, not forgetting Monty Python's Michael Palin.
My spare time is taken up by cycling at the weekends with my pal Andy and being at home with my wife Natalie and my daughter Serena, to whom Treasure Trove is dedicated. My son Max is grown up and away at University, but there's another book in the pipeline, which will be dedicated to him.
Latest news
A print version of Suki & the Christmas Treasure Trove is on the way.